Living a questionable life on purpose [The Art of Following Jesus, pt 9] #ruleoflife #rhythmoflife

Living a questionable life on purpose [The Art of Following Jesus, pt 9] #ruleoflife #rhythmoflife

Together #forSalem
Together #forSalem
Living a questionable life on purpose [The Art of Following Jesus, pt 9] #ruleoflife #rhythmoflife

God isn’t distant, disinterested, or mad at you. He created you specifically on purpose. He loves you, likes you, and enjoys you! He invites all of us to experience a life more fulfilling and satisfying than we can imagine. We find this life by practicing the Art of Following Jesus.

Why does God want us to worship him? [The Art of Following Jesus, pt 8] #worship #celebration

Why does God want us to worship him? [The Art of Following Jesus, pt 8] #worship #celebration

Together #forSalem
Together #forSalem
Why does God want us to worship him? [The Art of Following Jesus, pt 8] #worship #celebration

God created us to enjoy life. Yet so many of us just seem stuck in boredom, routine, or worse. But there is a way to enjoy the life we’ve been given even when things are difficult or overwhelming. It’s discovered when we practice the Art of Following Jesus.

How to party like Jesus [The Art of Following Jesus, pt 7] #hospitality

How to party like Jesus [The Art of Following Jesus, pt 7] #hospitality

Together #forSalem
Together #forSalem
How to party like Jesus [The Art of Following Jesus, pt 7] #hospitality

To make the world a better place. We need to eat and drink with more people… just like Jesus.

What does money have to do with faith? [The Art of… pt 6]

What does money have to do with faith? [The Art of… pt 6]

Together #forSalem
Together #forSalem
What does money have to do with faith? [The Art of... pt 6]

It is possible to really see concrete proof that God sees you, knows you, cares for you, and is intimately involved in your life. This kind of life… this kind of faith and trust comes from practicing the Art of Following Jesus… And Jesus said there was one practice that grows our faith like nothing else.

What difference can I really make?  [The Art of… pt 5]

What difference can I really make? [The Art of… pt 5]

Together #forSalem
Together #forSalem
What difference can I really make? [The Art of... pt 5]

We all have the ability to be the change we wish to see in the world. But this type of life doesn’t just happen by accident. It’s the result of conscious and committed choices about how we live… but we don’t have to do it alone. The secret to becoming the change we wish to see is discovered when we practice the art of following Jesus.