Why can’t I forgive myself? [Mark 1:40-2:17]

Why can’t I forgive myself? [Mark 1:40-2:17]

Together #forSalem
Together #forSalem
Why can't I forgive myself? [Mark 1:40-2:17]

We have things in our past that we’d rather forget. Some we can look back on and laugh about. Others bring such guilt and shame we wish we could forget and never think about it again. What do we do with that guilt? Is there a way to move past our past and into something better? There is. We find it in the Story of Jesus.

What’s up with demons and healings? [Mark 1:21-39]

What’s up with demons and healings? [Mark 1:21-39]

Together #forSalem
Together #forSalem
What’s up with demons and healings? [Mark 1:21-39]

There are many parts of the Story of Jesus that are hard to believe (especially the weird stuff about healings and demons). But these stories prove something even harder to believe… No matter who we are or what we have done, Jesus sees us and loves us.

What’s my life’s story? [Mark 1:14-20]

What’s my life’s story? [Mark 1:14-20]

Together #forSalem
Together #forSalem
What's my life's story? [Mark 1:14-20]

You have a story you were created to live. A story this world needs you to live. But so often we miss it b/c we either don’t know what the story is really about, how to live it out, or don’t even know we have a story. But when we discover what the Story of Jesus is really about we discover what our own story is really about.

How does Jesus make me new? [Mark 1:1-15]

How does Jesus make me new? [Mark 1:1-15]

Together #forSalem
Together #forSalem
How does Jesus make me new? [Mark 1:1-15]

Sure, Jesus of Nazareth is the most well known figure in human history. And yeah he had some really good ideas, but the full story about healings, miracles, rising from the dead, and Jesus actually being God is pretty hard to believe. But for 2000 years, this story has transformed millions of individual lives and the entire world. Maybe there’s more to the story of Jesus than we first thought. What if it is true? What could that mean for us now?