Why I don’t call myself a Christian anymore  [Mark 6:7-13]

Why I don’t call myself a Christian anymore [Mark 6:7-13]

Together #forSalem
Together #forSalem
Why I don't call myself a Christian anymore [Mark 6:7-13]

Jesus never told anyone to “become a Christian.” But he does invite everyone to follow him. What’s the difference and why does it even matter?

How To Experience God [Mark 6:1-6]

How To Experience God [Mark 6:1-6]

Together #forSalem
Together #forSalem
How To Experience God [Mark 6:1-6]

Most of us want to experience God in our lives. But when we start asking, “How?” we are usually only handed a set of beliefs, routines, and rules. There is a much better way to experience God and it’s something we can all discover each and every day.

What does it mean to have faith? [Mark 5:21-43]

What does it mean to have faith? [Mark 5:21-43]

Together #forSalem
Together #forSalem
What does it mean to have faith? [Mark 5:21-43]

Faith can mean many different things to different people. But what is it? What’s the point of it? And how can we experience a faith that makes a real difference in our lives?

How to Find Fulfillment [Mark 5:1-20]

How to Find Fulfillment [Mark 5:1-20]

Together #forSalem
Together #forSalem
How to Find Fulfillment [Mark 5:1-20]

We want to find fulfillment but don’t know where to start or even what “fulfillment” actually looks like. When our deepest human needs are satisfied we discover what we’ve been looking for all along. We find it in the Story of Jesus.

How To Stop Worrying [Mark 4:35-41]

How To Stop Worrying [Mark 4:35-41]

Together #forSalem
Together #forSalem
How To Stop Worrying [Mark 4:35-41]

Worry can be the most debilitating feeling in the world. To overcome it we need to get to the root of our worry and not just treat the symptoms. We discover how when we discover the Story of Jesus.