Adulting 101: Better at Work

Adulting 101: Better at Work

adulting is hard
Adulting 101: Better at Life
Adulting 101: Better at Work

Ok, the problem is most of life is some type of work… so most of our life we are either: Dreading what we’re going to HAVE to do, hating what we are HAVING to currently do, OR try to avoid doing the thing altogether for a large portion of our waking hours. Work becomes something that we just HAVE to do, in order to get to do the things we WANT to do. BUT, it doesn’t have to be this way. In this last segment of Adulting 101, we look at a better way to view work & responsibilities and still have life as designed: to the fullest.

Adulting 101: Better at Work

Adulting 101: Better at Money

adulting is hard
Adulting 101: Better at Life
Adulting 101: Better at Money

We can all probably agree with this statement: One of the hardest things about being an adult is MONEY. But if we understand its purpose and how to use it well, it can make not just our life better, but many others’ as well. It’s why Jesus talked about money quite a bit… And what we will discover in his teachings is this: The purpose of money is to use it for a purpose. Listen in as we delve into Jesus’ words as recorded in Luke 12:13-34. 

Adulting 101: Better at Work

Adulting 101: Better at Relationships

adulting is hard
Adulting 101: Better at Life
Adulting 101: Better at Relationships

Last week we talked about how distractions entangle us and keep us from being better at life. One of the most entangling distractions is Poor Relationships! There seems to be a common denominator in all of our relationships: US! It’s true. And because relationships affect every aspect of our lives, we know that when things are going poorly, you can bet it’s going to carry over into every other thing. This week, we look closely at Jesus’ words in Luke 6 and some practical things we can do to follow Jesus and be better at relationships.

Adulting 101: Better at Work

Adulting 101: Better at LIFE

adulting is hard
Adulting 101: Better at Life
Adulting 101: Better at LIFE

Nobody says, “When I grow up I just want to go through the motions and get through each day.” Yet, as the years go on and life happens, many of us end up ‘existing.’ Being an adult can be hard, but we can also do better! We can be successful and actually enjoy #adulting. Let’s discover how following Jesus can make our lives better and make us better at life.