Now: Looking Back (pt 1)

Now: Looking Back (pt 1)

Now: Looking Back (pt 1)

Have you heard us say it before? God is FOR your happiness. In fact, God wants us to be happy NOW. But, so often we can’t enjoy NOW. We are actually robbed of our now and our happiness by either our past, future or life’s distractions. This week in part 1, we cover letting go of our past and the guilt that surrounds it. Listen or watch, and discover with us how you can live NOW, as God intended. Because, the past is over… accept, enjoy, and share God’s love NOW.

Discover more: songs, media, prayer needs, and maybe ask a question? Head over to

How to Ruin Your Marriage: Hold On

How to Ruin Your Marriage: Hold On

How to Ruin Your Marriage
How to Ruin Your Marriage
How to Ruin Your Marriage: Hold On

Control weakens trust and inhibits communication. It can also be clear sign that you place more value on what you want than on your spouse / relationship. In part 2 we explore what causes controlling behaviors in relationships and look at some heart and habit changes to help encourage letting go.

Go to for more media: songs we sang, written transcripts, and how to take some next steps in your journey of faith!

How to Ruin Your Marriage: Hold On

How to Ruin Your Marriage: It’s Not Supposed to Be Like This!

How to Ruin Your Marriage
How to Ruin Your Marriage
How to Ruin Your Marriage: It's Not Supposed to Be Like This!

Control weakens trust and inhibits communication. It can also be clear sign that you place more value on what you want than on your spouse / relationship. In part 2 we explore what causes controlling behaviors in relationships and look at some heart and habit changes to help encourage letting go.

Go to for more media: songs we sang, written transcripts, and how to take some next steps in your journey of faith!

How to Ruin Your Marriage: Hold On

How to Ruin Your Marriage: We’re out of control!

How to Ruin Your Marriage
How to Ruin Your Marriage
How to Ruin Your Marriage: We're out of control!

Control weakens trust and inhibits communication. It can also be clear sign that you place more value on what you want than on your spouse / relationship. In part 2 we explore what causes controlling behaviors in relationships and look at some heart and habit changes to help encourage letting go.

Go to for more media: songs we sang, written transcripts, and how to take some next steps in your journey of faith!

How to Ruin Your Marriage: Hold On

How to Ruin Your Marriage: Who Wins? (Pt 1)

How to Ruin Your Marriage
How to Ruin Your Marriage
How to Ruin Your Marriage: Who Wins? (Pt 1)

Most everyone has great dreams and high expectations about what their “ever after” will be. But then… you actually get married.There is no quick fix, magic actions, no one sentence formulas, that will give you a perfect marriage. So what if we looked at some of the subtle, deep rooted causes for ruined marriages instead? During this series, we’ll talk about 4 common ways we ruin our marriages, and how to avoid them. But first let’s look at the common denominator in all of our marital, and really our relational troubles, and see what Jesus has to say about it.