Discovering God: It’s Simple (Pt 2)

Discovering God: It’s Simple (Pt 2)

Discovering God
Discovering God
Discovering God: It's Simple (Pt 2)

What if it is so simple that we missed it even though it’s been there the whole time? Turns out the most important point in Discovering God is the fact that peace with God comes from a single act of trust. It couldn’t be much simpler than that. It’s not that complicated. God is pursuing you. And he is only asking that you trust him.

Discovering God: It’s Simple (Pt 2)

Discovering God: The Tension (Pt 3)

Discovering God
Discovering God
Discovering God: The Tension (Pt 3)

How do we balance the God we’ve been talking about (the God who is FOR you), with the God that would be a part of instances like Jericho (utter destruction and death)? This is an example of the reasons many people reject the God of the Bible. So that leaves anyone who says God is a God of love with some explaining to do! Well, we give it a shot here, in this episode of “Discovering God,” aptly called ‘The Tension.’

Discovering God: It’s Simple (Pt 2)

Discovering God: Introductions (Pt 1)

Discovering God
Discovering God
Discovering God: Introductions (Pt 1)

Our goal at Crosscreek is not just change people’s minds about church… but change people’s minds about God. The common thinking may just be (but may not always be put into words): If there is a God, he’s either uninterested, or angry at me. He’s judgmental, silent, distant, absent when I need him. Or, he only shows up when I do something that doesn’t fit within his narrow rules in order to punish or judge me or make me feel guilty. He’s definitely not FOR me. Well, in part 1 of Discovering God, we want to Introduce (or perhaps re-introduce) you to God and have a conversation about some of these misconceptions about WHO God is.

(audio drastically improves after minute three)

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Now: I Can’t Wait Until… (pt 3)

Now: I Can’t Wait Until… (pt 3)

Now: I Can't Wait Until... (pt 3)

Have you heard us say it before? God is FOR your happiness. In fact, God wants us to be happy NOW. It’s too bad we often miss out on enjoying and experiencing NOW because we are just too busy. Busy hoping, wishing, longing, yearning for a better tomorrow… Sound familiar? Listen or watch and discover with us the solution to being content in any circumstance, fully present NOW. It’s simpler than you might think!

Side note: Sorry about the room audio this week… maybe it’ll feel like you’re actually there? 🙂

Discover more: songs, media, prayer needs, and maybe ask a question? Head over to

Now: I Can’t Wait Until… (pt 3)

Now: Use It Wisely (pt 2)

Now: Use It Wisely (pt 2)

Have you heard us say it before? God is FOR your happiness. In fact, God wants us to be happy NOW. But, what we want now is not always what makes us happy now. We get distracted by things that don’t matter and miss what we could be enjoying… now. We miss what God might want to show us or do through us… NOW. But, what we will discover is the truly great stories are about the people who wisely gave up what they thought they wanted now, for what truly would make them happy now. Listen or watch to find out what we mean.

Discover more: songs, media, prayer needs, and maybe ask a question? Head over to