Better Together: Lean On Me (Pt 2)

Better Together: Lean On Me (Pt 2)

Better Together
Better Together
Better Together: Lean On Me (Pt 2)

To be “Better Together” we have to admit that we are “Worse Alone”… that we can’t do life by ourselves. Because really, admitting that we are worse off on our own means we are admitting that we are lacking something. So, often we choose isolation to protect ourselves. But maybe there’s a better way. Maybe we can be better together by doing something that’s simple, but also can be difficult at first. Once we do, we truly discover our design for relationships and a better way of doing life… together. Listen / watch to find out what we mean.

Better Together: Lean On Me (Pt 2)

Better Together: You First (Pt 1)

Better Together
Better Together
Better Together: You First (Pt 1)

Often if we feel divided, isolated, disconnected… it’s because we have had a part in it. Division is the result of choosing ME over WE. Every time we choose to put ourselves over others… we separate ourselves from each other.  And we become more and more isolated, and more and more miserable. BUT… imagine what this country would be like if we were devoted to each other more than our personal views and opinions? Imagine what your marriage would be like if you were devoted to each other more than being right or getting what YOU want? Work? Friendships? Parenting… It starts with us. Watch/listen to find out more.

Becoming: Outward Focus (Pt 5)

Becoming: Outward Focus (Pt 5)

Becoming: Outward Focus (Pt 5)

Whether you consider yourself a Jesus-Follower or not… the way to become who you really want to be isn’t by getting what you want… it’s by giving yourself away. Focusing your life on others instead of yourself. You ,ay know this is true from experience, and scientific research on volunteering and career choice back it up! Some of the happiest people you know or have heard of are also some of the most selfless. Why? It’s how we are designed. We are designed to operate best when we do what’s best for others. At Crosscreek, we call it Outward Focus.

Becoming: Outward Focus (Pt 5)

Becoming: Authentic Excellence (Pt 4)

Becoming: Authentic Excellence (Pt 4)

Who do you want to be? What do you want your life to be? Truth is, we all want a great life but most of us settle for good enough. But, settling for good enough is settling for mediocre. How do we break the routine and actually start thriving instead of just surviving? Watch/listen to discover the antidote to ‘good enough.’

Becoming: Outward Focus (Pt 5)

Becoming: Contagious Joy (Pt 3)

Becoming: Contagious Joy (Pt 3)

If you did a Google search and typed in “How to Be…” what would the top auto-fill answer be? We’ll spoil it for you: Happy. That’s probably because the pursuit of happiness is behind almost every decision we make. And, there’s nothing wrong with wanting to be happy… At Crosscreek, we believe God wants us to be happy (John 10:10).  The problem is, most of us don’t really understand what happiness is… Listen or watch to learn more about true, lasting happiness, in the middle of real life.