Accepted. That’s Appalling (Pt 3/5)

Accepted. That’s Appalling (Pt 3/5)

Accepted. That's Appalling (Pt 3/5)

SIN. Yeah, we went there. It’s not a fun word is it? Why? Probably because it’s a weird religious word that usually brings up three responses… a. don’t care; b. anger; c. shame. Or, maybe a mix. However we respond to the word… we usually can go on to say that, if there is a God, he definitely does not accept sinners. We’re here to tell you why you’re misinformed, and that Jesus’ acceptance is appallingly offensive because it is unbelievably inclusive. Listen or watch to find out what we mean.

Accepted. That’s Appalling (Pt 3/5)

Accepted. Really? (Pt 2/5)

Accepted. Really? (Pt 2/5)

People who were nothing like Jesus loved being around him. And he accepted them. As we heard in part 1, being accepted means “no matter how different we are, I see you as a person worthy of value and honor.” Here in part 2, we take a close look at an “unlikely” group of people Jesus accepted: the skeptics. We’ll eventually land here [spoiler alert]: Jesus accepts every skeptic as an individual. What’s that mean for you? It means you are accepted, and asking questions and not taking everything at face value is healthy. 

Accepted. That’s Appalling (Pt 3/5)

Accepted. George was curious. (Part 1/5)

Accepted. George was curious. (Part 1/5)

“Jesus would never accept me. Look at what I’ve done.”  Who told you that? We’re here to tell you: They are wrong. Jesus hung out with people like you (us!)… The Uninterested, the Stressed, the Doubting, the Alone, the Different, the Failing… the list goes on.  In FACT, Jesus didn’t just “hang out…” he ACCEPTED people like you (and us). In this first “episode” of Accepted, we’ll look at how Jesus views those who question. We hope you’ll be pleasantly surprised.

Better Together: And I Feel Fine (Pt 4)

Better Together: And I Feel Fine (Pt 4)

Better Together
Better Together
Better Together: And I Feel Fine (Pt 4)

Sure, it’s great to have people you like. It’s fun to enjoy, parties, celebrations, and hanging out. But what about when life is hard? It seems so easy go from up to down, so quickly that we get discouraged. And then there are the really big things: cancer, losing a loved one…? Well in this episode, we provide an answer… And it’s actually one of the core beliefs Christians have had since before they were called Christians. Watch and listen to find out what it is, and why it’s worth considering…

Better Together: And I Feel Fine (Pt 4)

Better Together: Preemptive (Pt 3)

Better Together
Better Together
Better Together: Preemptive (Pt 3)

We’re halfway through our series. And it’s probably good to admit this: Better together doesn’t always seem better. Be with anyone long enough and they will hurt you. So what are our options? Nag and complain? Isolate ourselves? Close emotions off to any real, meaningful relationship? Well, sure… you could. But, we propose a different way. And, if you can make it happen… every single relationship you have will be better, which will make your life better. It’s one of the secrets to a happy life… Listen or watch to find out what we mean. We promise, it’ll be worth your time… money back guarantee.