Who Do You Want To Be? (Part 2: Divorce Yourself)

Who Do You Want To Be? (Part 2: Divorce Yourself)

Who Do You Want To Be?
Who Do You Want To Be?
Who Do You Want To Be? (Part 2: Divorce Yourself)

We know… Happy relationships create a happy life. The problem is… being around people is hard. In part 2, we’ll take a closer look at the root of every relationship problem (whoa), and why there’s a gap between who we want to be and who we are in our relationships.

Who Do You Want To Be? (Part 2: Divorce Yourself)

Who Do You Want To Be? (Part 1: Anyone But You)

Who Do You Want To Be?
Who Do You Want To Be?
Who Do You Want To Be? (Part 1: Anyone But You)

We all want to be something. Usually someone more. We want to be better people. But, there’s a gap between who we want to be and who we are. Why? Why can’t we really be who we want to be? In part 1 of the series, we pose our answer to this age-old question, and what you can do about it.

Christmas #forSalem 2019

Christmas #forSalem 2019

Crosscreek Community Church
Crosscreek Community Church
Christmas #forSalem 2019

For many, Christmas brings a vague longing of a hazy memory of something better. There’s a feeling that something is out there (some kind of Christmas magic) but we just can’t reach it… The world seems dark, but something in us says it’s not supposed to be like this. That’s why Jesus came, to show us… God is with us, and God is for us. And Christmas is about God making things the way they should be.

Out of the Ordinary: The Ordinary Myth (Pt 3/3)

Out of the Ordinary: The Ordinary Myth (Pt 3/3)

Out of the Ordinary
Out of the Ordinary
Out of the Ordinary: The Ordinary Myth (Pt 3/3)

It’s was darn good new for the shepherds, and it still is for us today: You are known. You are infinitely valuable. Your life has a purpose.

Because of Jesus, ordinary life never has to be ordinary again. Listen in to find out more about what we mean. 

Find out more: www.yourcrosscreek.com.

Out of the Ordinary: The Ordinary Myth (Pt 3/3)

Out of the Ordinary: The Most Boring Christmas Ever. (Pt 2/3)

Out of the Ordinary
Out of the Ordinary
Out of the Ordinary: The Most Boring Christmas Ever. (Pt 2/3)

Oftentimes life seems to be a boring routine interrupted by frequent annoyances. So we do what we can to not rock the boat… keep our head down… just get through and try to avoid as much pain as possible. But what if there is more going on behind the scenes than we know? What if the annoyances are opportunities? Opportunities to break out of the ordinary? Listen or watch to see the ultimate example of how God uses the ordinary to create the extraordinary.