So, What About…? [Pt 3: Narrow Minded]

So, What About…? [Pt 3: Narrow Minded]

what about...? {season 2}
what about...? {season 2}
So, What About...? [Pt 3: Narrow Minded]

What’s the difference between Christianity and other religions? How do you know which one is RIGHT? It’d be easy if we could just say they all are. But… the problem is all faiths can’t be true without fundamentally changing what they are. So what do we do with this? There are REAL differences, and that can be hard to talk about without making someone feel ‘wrong’ or insulted. So as we explore this question of differences… let’s keep this in mind. Disagreement is not the same as hate or intolerance. 

As you listen or watch, know this too: this is meant to be a start to a bigger conversation. And that means you’re with us in it, we hope. And, it doesn’t stop here! Take it further by sending us your comments & questions (, use those study questions, and listen to all of the messages in this series.

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So, What About…? [Pt 3: Narrow Minded]

So, What About…? [Pt 2: Pain & Suffering]

what about...? {season 2}
what about...? {season 2}
So, What About...? [Pt 2: Pain & Suffering]

We believe pain and suffering are real, and the questions about WHY it’s such a part of our human condition deserve a real answer. We do our best in this episode to give an explanation for its purpose. But we also want to have this to be a start of the conversation. And you can be involved. Take it further by sending us your comments & questions (, using the study questions with a friend, and listening to the next 5 messages in this series.

So, What About…? [Pt 3: Narrow Minded]

So, What About…? [Pt 1: Origins]

what about...? {season 2}
what about...? {season 2}
So, What About...? [Pt 1: Origins]

We all have questions and doubts. Doubts are normal, even good! Doubt is part of being human. And, asking questions is the key to spiritual growth. In the first of our series, we tackle one of the most common topics: our origin. But before we start, know this: We can disagree and still be in the same family. You can disagree and still be a full participant in Crosscreek. And, we want to have this to be a start of the conversation. Take this further by sending us your comments & questions (, using the study questions with a friend, and listening to the next 5 messages in this series.

Who Do You Want To Be? (Part 4: Unique Neighbors)

Who Do You Want To Be? (Part 4: Unique Neighbors)

Who Do You Want To Be?
Who Do You Want To Be?
Who Do You Want To Be? (Part 4: Unique Neighbors)

Who we want to be is really rooted in a desire to be a part of something bigger than just ourselves. And this need to belong can often result in an us vs. them mentality. And, for the reality is people usually reject the claims of Jesus because of the actions of those who say they follow him. But what if we flipped the script? What about if we decided to be known for what we are FOR rather than what we are against? Truly, the only person who can change that is WE.

Who Do You Want To Be? (Part 4: Unique Neighbors)

Who Do You Want To Be? (Part 3: Performance Review)

Who Do You Want To Be?
Who Do You Want To Be?
Who Do You Want To Be? (Part 3: Performance Review)

When we were younger, we had dreams… big dreams… to have the ultimate career. A firefighter, an astronaut, a pizza cook… But then grew up and the bills grew. Who we wanted to be and who we are now don’t necessarily line up. So what’s the purpose of work? How do we be who we want to be where God has us now? Watch or listen to find out more.