How to Live Without Fear [Mark 8:1-21]

How to Live Without Fear [Mark 8:1-21]

Together #forSalem
Together #forSalem
How to Live Without Fear [Mark 8:1-21]

Some of our deepest fears come from the worry of losing the things we hold most dear. But Jesus offers us a way to experience the best of life without the fear that is usually lurking in the background.

The Inclusivity of Jesus [Mark 7:24-37]

The Inclusivity of Jesus [Mark 7:24-37]

Together #forSalem
Together #forSalem
The Inclusivity of Jesus [Mark 7:24-37]

Jesus invites all of us to join a family based upon acceptance, inclusivity, and love… It’s available to everyone right now.

What does God care about? [Mark 7:1-23]

What does God care about? [Mark 7:1-23]

Together #forSalem
Together #forSalem
What does God care about? [Mark 7:1-23]

What does God actually care about? How can we ever know for sure? When we find the answer we discover what life is truly about.

Aliens, Bigfoot, and Jesus: Navigating the Difficulty of Belief  [Mark 6:45-56]

Aliens, Bigfoot, and Jesus: Navigating the Difficulty of Belief [Mark 6:45-56]

Together #forSalem
Together #forSalem
Aliens, Bigfoot, and Jesus: Navigating the Difficulty of Belief [Mark 6:45-56]

Many parts of the story of Jesus seem as impossible as stories of aliens and Bigfoot. For many people, however, the most impossible part to believe is that his story can make any difference in our story. But when we grasp the identity of Jesus the impossible becomes part of our story.

How can I help the world? [Mark 6:30-44]

How can I help the world? [Mark 6:30-44]

Together #forSalem
Together #forSalem
How can I help the world? [Mark 6:30-44]

You want to help the world. You want to ease the pain and hurt around you. But is our good really making any difference? The Story of Jesus shows us how to go beyond good intentions and make a real difference in the world.