PANDEMIC PARTNERSHIPS – Together #forSalem (Ep 7)

PANDEMIC PARTNERSHIPS – Together #forSalem (Ep 7)

Together #forSalem
Together #forSalem
PANDEMIC PARTNERSHIPS - Together #forSalem (Ep 7)

What if there was one principle that could help us improve our closest relationships during this quarantine? There is! And It’s something all of us can start practicing now to create the relationships we long for now and for years to come. 

PANDEMIC PARTNERSHIPS – Together #forSalem (Ep 7)

SIMPLER – Together #forSalem (Ep 6)

Together #forSalem
Together #forSalem
SIMPLER - Together #forSalem (Ep 6)

Life is complicated… even before all of this. Now even little things like getting groceries is a major task. It won’t ALWAYS be like this. So we’re asking: where do we go from here? What do we want life to be like after this? We are probably all realizing our answer might be… SIMPLER! A calendar that’s open, an unfettered relationship with God and better relationships with others. It’s really *why* Jesus came. In fact, rules were never God’s intention. And in this episode, we look closely at the one, simple rule Jesus has for us. And we ask ourselves, “What does love look like?” 

PANDEMIC PARTNERSHIPS – Together #forSalem (Ep 7)

BETTER – Together #forSalem (Ep 5)

Together #forSalem
Together #forSalem
BETTER - Together #forSalem (Ep 5)

What do we want things to be like when we come out of this? So much has changed these last few weeks. In some instances they have changed forever. But what if, instead of seeing this as the end of something, we see this time as a chance to create something better?  In this series, Where do we go from here?, we will be exploring this idea and the areas we can start changing for the better right now.  In part 1, we talk about the big picture of our relationship with God, why the old way of religion sucks, and how Jesus’ new way makes things so much better.

PANDEMIC PARTNERSHIPS – Together #forSalem (Ep 7)

PEACE — Together #forSalem (Ep 4)

Together #forSalem
Together #forSalem
PEACE -- Together #forSalem (Ep 4)

Sometimes it feels like our world has been upended, things will never be the same, and that this is our new normal. On the very first Easter weekend, the friends of Jesus experienced similar feelings: loss, confusion, sadness… their entire world flipping upside down. But, they discovered a resilient peace together. Good news: WE can have that same peace… Maybe for some of us, it starts by taking a fresh look at one incredible, historical event.

PANDEMIC PARTNERSHIPS – Together #forSalem (Ep 7)

FEAR & ANXIETY — Together #forSalem (Ep 3)

Together #forSalem
Together #forSalem
FEAR & ANXIETY -- Together #forSalem (Ep 3)

Let’s be frank: We never know what the next news report will say, and right now that feels scarier than usual. Many of us are sheltering in place, some working from home, some of us essential and still reporting. This week we explore the two responses: panic or denial… and introduce a possible third way to respond. And, we hope to provide some practical tips for what to do when we feel afraid.