FULL vs. EMPTY — Together #forSalem (Ep 19)

FULL vs. EMPTY — Together #forSalem (Ep 19)

Together #forSalem
Together #forSalem
FULL vs. EMPTY -- Together #forSalem (Ep 19)

If we’re honest the religion most of us have experienced is often empty and lifeless. That’s why Jesus not only rejected religion but brought something completely different and so much better. Following Jesus isn’t about religious routines and rituals… it’s about experiencing a true and meaningful life now and forever.

FORGIVENESS vs. REJECTION — Together #forSalem (Ep 18)

FORGIVENESS vs. REJECTION — Together #forSalem (Ep 18)

Together #forSalem
Together #forSalem
FORGIVENESS vs. REJECTION -- Together #forSalem (Ep 18)

Religion makes us feel we are always one opinion, mistake, or sin away from being rejected. This makes us either hide who we really are, work really hard to stay in line, or simply walk away from the whole idea. Jesus gave us a better way. A way free of rejection and full of healing.

PEOPLE vs. RULES — Together #forSalem (Ep 17)

PEOPLE vs. RULES — Together #forSalem (Ep 17)

Together #forSalem
Together #forSalem
PEOPLE vs. RULES -- Together #forSalem (Ep 17)

Religion and rules. They usually go hand-in-hand and are used for the powerful few to control those ‘below’ them. Jesus created a new way… a better way. A way that prioritizes people over rules. A way that has provided freedom for millions of people.

ACCEPTANCE vs. JUDGMENT — Together #forSalem (Ep 16)

ACCEPTANCE vs. JUDGMENT — Together #forSalem (Ep 16)

Together #forSalem
Together #forSalem
ACCEPTANCE vs. JUDGMENT -- Together #forSalem (Ep 16)

Why are Christians so judgmental? If Jesus himself said, “Do not judge,” then why are the people who claim to know him the best often the best at judging others? The answer and the solution might surprise you.