What’s it really mean to be humble? (Ep 55)

What’s it really mean to be humble? (Ep 55)

Together #forSalem
Together #forSalem
What's it really mean to be humble? (Ep 55)

We all want more than this. In order to find it, we think we need to be more than… “them.” We carry the heavy and unrealistic expectations of others and ourselves to be more than. But what if what we are looking for is found in the opposite? What if we find more in being less?

What IS the Kingdom of Heaven? (Ep 54)

What IS the Kingdom of Heaven? (Ep 54)

Together #forSalem
Together #forSalem
What IS the Kingdom of Heaven? (Ep 54)

There’s got to be more. There’s got to be more to life than simply trying to get ahead, get what we can, and fight for our happiness only to ultimately die and be forgotten. There’s got to be more to following Jesus than being good, having a spiritual high once a week, and waiting to go to heaven. And according to Jesus, there is more… more than we have yet imagined.

How can I experience peace? (Bonus)

How can I experience peace? (Bonus)

Together #forSalem
Together #forSalem
How can I experience peace? (Bonus)

On the very first Easter weekend, the friends of Jesus experienced similar feelings: loss, confusion, sadness… their entire world flipping upside down. But, they discovered a resilient peace together. Good news: WE can have that same peace… Maybe for some of us, it starts by taking a fresh look at one incredible, historical.

The Good Life can be lived on purpose (Ep 53)

The Good Life can be lived on purpose (Ep 53)

on purpose
Together #forSalem
The Good Life can be lived on purpose (Ep 53)

Often, our lives are the result of just allowing life to happen to us. Sometimes we like where we end up and more often than not we don’t. But what if there’s a better way? What if we knew what our true purpose was and purposely lived out our lives to fulfill it? We can… the Good Life is lived on purpose for a purpose.

Why Religion’s Rules Don’t Make Sense (Ep 52)

Why Religion’s Rules Don’t Make Sense (Ep 52)

this rules
Together #forSalem
Why Religion's Rules Don't Make Sense (Ep 52)

Jesus said that following him was the only route to experiencing “The Good Life.” But how does religion, and especially all of its rules, give us a good life? Maybe the rules are not what Jesus had in mind at all. Maybe he was talking about something so much better and real than simply practicing a religion.