Does God actually love me?  [Discovering, pt 1/6]

Does God actually love me? [Discovering, pt 1/6]

Together #forSalem
Together #forSalem
Does God actually love me? [Discovering, pt 1/6]

The question we all ask in some way is… If there is a God what does he think and feel about me? The answer we find has the ability to shape not only our view of God, but how we see others, ourselves, and our place in the world.

We won’t stay dead? [Absurd, pt 2/3]

We won’t stay dead? [Absurd, pt 2/3]

Together #forSalem
Together #forSalem
We won't stay dead? [Absurd, pt 2/3]

At the core of Christianity is the absurd belief that a man actually died and came back to life. But if it’s true, then something even more absurd is true… We also can and will be resurrected from the dead. If that’s true, it can have a profound impact on how we view and live our lives now.

Is the resurrection absurd? [Absurd, pt 1/3]

Is the resurrection absurd? [Absurd, pt 1/3]

Together #forSalem
Together #forSalem
Is the resurrection absurd? [Absurd, pt 1/3]

Christianity can seem pretty absurd. In fact, its most central claim is also its most absurd… an ancient Jewish peasant claimed to be God and rose from the dead. But what if it’s true? Does it even matter and can it actually change anything for our lives now? Let’s peel back the layers and take a new look at the absurd core of Christianity.

How We Can Be More. [Consumerism, pt 4/4]

How We Can Be More. [Consumerism, pt 4/4]

Together #forSalem
Together #forSalem
How We Can Be More. [Consumerism, pt 4/4]

Consumerism has seeped into almost every aspect of our lives. Almost everyone is trying to get us to consume the product they are selling. But there is an alternative… an alternate community… a community that gives far more than it takes. A community where you can find mutual acceptance, encouragement, and dependability. A community of which you are personally invited to be a vital part.