Wisdom in the Craziness — Together #forSalem (Ep 32)

Wisdom in the Craziness — Together #forSalem (Ep 32)

Together #forSalem
Together #forSalem
Wisdom in the Craziness -- Together #forSalem (Ep 32)

Happiness often seems like a fleeting dream that is just out of reach, especially now. But God actually wants us to be happy. Though it might seem a bit counterintuitive, he’s shown us how to achieve lasting happiness. Let’s discover together faith that works and how to be happy when the world is falling apart. 

The What & Why of #forSalem — Together #forSalem (Ep 31)

The What & Why of #forSalem — Together #forSalem (Ep 31)

Together #forSalem
Together #forSalem
The What & Why of #forSalem -- Together #forSalem (Ep 31)

Crosscreek is a church that is FOR Salem. But what is #forSalem? Where did it come from? What is it really about? And how can we all be a part of it? Let’s talk.

Unprecedented — Together #forSalem (Ep 30)

Unprecedented — Together #forSalem (Ep 30)

Together #forSalem
Together #forSalem
Unprecedented -- Together #forSalem (Ep 30)

When unprecedented times come, they don’t just affect our daily lives but also our faith. Why is it that during life-changing events some people’s faith seems to grow while others’ seem to weaken? In this episode we discover choices we can make that turn unprecedented times into unprecedented opportunities to grow our faith.

It’s Dangerous To Go Alone — Together #forSalem (Ep 29)

It’s Dangerous To Go Alone — Together #forSalem (Ep 29)

Together #forSalem
Together #forSalem
It’s Dangerous To Go Alone -- Together #forSalem (Ep 29)

One of the hardest aspects of our current reality is division and the isolation it creates. It’s difficult to allow others to really know who we are in such a polarized time. But there’s hope. There is a way, however, to not only fight division and isolation but to also allow God to grow our faith at the same time. Let’s rediscover the answer that has been in front of us all along.