Why Religion’s Rules Don’t Make Sense (Ep 52)

Why Religion’s Rules Don’t Make Sense (Ep 52)

this rules
Together #forSalem
Why Religion's Rules Don't Make Sense (Ep 52)

Jesus said that following him was the only route to experiencing “The Good Life.” But how does religion, and especially all of its rules, give us a good life? Maybe the rules are not what Jesus had in mind at all. Maybe he was talking about something so much better and real than simply practicing a religion.

Improving by Removing… (Ep 51)

Improving by Removing… (Ep 51)

Together #forSalem
Together #forSalem
Improving by Removing... (Ep 51)

Often we think obtaining the “Good Life” means improving our current life in some way. But what if the “Good Life” isn’t about improving but removing? Jesus offers to remove the one thing that keeps all of us from truly experiencing the “Good Life” we are searching for. 

We make it so complicated… (Ep 50)

We make it so complicated… (Ep 50)

Together #forSalem
Together #forSalem
We make it so complicated... (Ep 50)

We all want to have a “Good Life.” We aren’t even sure what “good” really means, but we wear ourselves out and make complicated systems and beliefs to achieve it. In reality, The Good Life is much simpler than we think.

Love MY Enemy?! (Ep 49)

Love MY Enemy?! (Ep 49)

Together #forSalem
Together #forSalem
Love MY Enemy?! (Ep 49)

It’s easy to love those who love you. But if we really want to change the world (and our lives) we need to learn to love those who choose to be actively against us. It’s illogical, but it’s the most powerful love the world has ever known. 

Tips for a healthy family life (Ep 48)

Tips for a healthy family life (Ep 48)

Together #forSalem
Together #forSalem
Tips for a healthy family life (Ep 48)

Family. We love them, but we don’t always like them. They are our favorite people but some of the hardest to get along with. Is there a way to enjoy a healthy family dynamic no matter what stage of life we find ourselves in? There is… but it’s illogical.