Discovering God: Your Turn (Pt 6)

Discovering God: Your Turn (Pt 6)

Discovering God
Discovering God
Discovering God: Your Turn (Pt 6)

So… let be honest. It can be easy to say, “God loves everyone” and “he loves everyone equally.” BUT, if we dig a bit deeper, few of us actually believe that. In our true thoughts and hearts (maybe even subconscious?), whether you even believe in a god or not, most of us FEEL that some people are more DESERVING of God’s love than others. And, when we do that, we’re like Jonah… and we misunderstood one very important aspect of God’s love: God’s love is offensively inclusive. Watch / listen to find out what we mean, in our last session of “Discovering God.”

Discovering God: Your Turn (Pt 6)

Discovering God: Limitless (Pt 5)

Discovering God
Discovering God
Discovering God: Limitless (Pt 5)

What we think we know about God keeps us from discovering God. Sometimes people believe God hates sinners and he’s angry. That we’re testing his patience. He’s ready to judge and won’t accept me. …Or he won’t keep me. If I don’t clean up my behavior he’ll never let me in or he’ll kick me out. The good news is: God’s love is not based on our behavior. A prime example of that: King David. Your behavior does not cancel out God’s promises.

Discovering God: Your Turn (Pt 6)

Discovering God: He Knows (Pt 4)

Discovering God
Discovering God
Discovering God: He Knows (Pt 4)

The way a lot of people talk about God’s attributes make him out to be a scary or creepy figure who’s very interested in watching you and making sure you obey his rules. It’s a big reason why many people reject the idea of a God that loves. But when we truly discover God, we discover nothing could be further from the truth… God is personal and relational. 

Discovering God: Your Turn (Pt 6)

Discovering God: It’s Simple (Pt 2)

Discovering God
Discovering God
Discovering God: It's Simple (Pt 2)

What if it is so simple that we missed it even though it’s been there the whole time? Turns out the most important point in Discovering God is the fact that peace with God comes from a single act of trust. It couldn’t be much simpler than that. It’s not that complicated. God is pursuing you. And he is only asking that you trust him.

Discovering God: Your Turn (Pt 6)

Discovering God: The Tension (Pt 3)

Discovering God
Discovering God
Discovering God: The Tension (Pt 3)

How do we balance the God we’ve been talking about (the God who is FOR you), with the God that would be a part of instances like Jericho (utter destruction and death)? This is an example of the reasons many people reject the God of the Bible. So that leaves anyone who says God is a God of love with some explaining to do! Well, we give it a shot here, in this episode of “Discovering God,” aptly called ‘The Tension.’