Together #forSalem
Together #forSalem
Why I Still Believe w/ Luke Summers (pt 2 / 3)

Though every Christian shares the same core belief that God became human, brought his kingdom to earth now through his life, death, and resurrection… how God interacts, guides, transforms, and lives with each believer is as unique as each individual. But what is that really like? Why do people still believe in this God 2000 years after these events supposedly happened?

Episode Breakdown:
02:21 Who are you?
02:57 Who is Jesus to you?
*4 minutes in the audio quality changes. We apologize for that. No one was fired.
05:05 How would you describe what it means to be “a disciple?”
06:20 How did you begin following Jesus?
08:54 How would you describe that journey growing up?
15:30 Tell us about being married young and also living/serving overseas.
19:10 What have you discovered?
22:22 What questions are you still exploring?
25:03 Why do you still believe?
28:00 What would you say to anyone exploring Jesus right now?

31:10 Discussion Questions for Groups:
1. What stood out to you in Luke’s story?
2. Read 1 Peter 2v9. What do you think it would look like for someone to “show others the goodness of God” on a regular, daily, life-style basis?
3. Whether or not you would call yourself a Jesus-Follower… what have you discovered recently about Jesus and/or following him?
4. What do you (or what do you think you would) enjoy about following Jesus?
5. How can your group pray for you this week?

31:27 Announcements




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🍦 |  FOR SALEM in AUGUST → Ice Cream FOR Everyone
Meet at Wes Bennett Park in South Salem on 3-5pm on Sunday, August 21st to hand out free ice cream in the afternoon. Why? Because God loves them, and loves to give gifts. More details forthcoming, but mark your calendar.

Upcoming Dates: August 28th
🆕 Moving to every week on September 11th, 2022.

🍦 | FOR SALEM in AUGUST → Ice Cream FOR Everyone
Meet at Wes Bennett Park in South Salem on Sunday, August 21st anywhere between 3pm and 5pm to hand out free ice cream in the afternoon. Why? Because God loves them, and loves to give gifts.


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