Crosscreek Community Church
Crosscreek Community Church
Is the Bible Against Women? [Think About It, pt 4 / 5]

Many people have rejected the Bible and even Christianity as a whole because of the apparent sexism and chauvinism found in the biblical writings. In addition, Christians often judge and argue with each other based on their own interpretations of these verses.  

But, with the right tools, an open mind, and a bit of grace for each other we might be able to give ourselves permission to look at things from a different angle and try to understand each other a bit better. 

Main Points:

  • Nothing divides Christians better than misused and misunderstood bible verses. 
  • Jesus can use the biblical writings to change our hearts if and when we are willing to change our minds. 
  • A biblical passage can only make sense within the context in which it first made sense. 
  • Debated passages can force JF’s to either dig further into their entrenched opinions or dig deeper to a fuller understanding. 
  • Unity means being able to disagree and still love like family. 
  • A passage’s whole meaning needs to make sense within the whole story of the BW’s.
  • When it comes to difficult passages… ALL JF’s should learn quietly and submissively. 

Weekly Challenge:

  • Read: Romans 12:16 daily
  • Ask: What is more important to Jesus… to be right or to be united in love? What is more important to me?
  • Pray: Jesus, Help me live in harmony with others and use what I learn to love others. 

Discussion Questions:

  1. What stood out to, bothered, or challenged you from this week’s episode?
  2. From “It’s incredibly important to me” to “I didn’t even know it was an issue,” what has been your personal experience with this subject of gender roles in the Church?  
  3. Read Romans 12:16. Did you learn/discover anything new about those who might think differently than you on this subject?
  4. Jon closed this episode by saying, “When the Church’s goal is loving unity in Jesus, theological differences lose their power to divide.” How can we, as a local expression of the Church, not allow theological differences to divide us?
  5. How can your group pray for you this week?

Episode Resources:

Dictionary/Encyclopedia: and
Genre/Narrative/Theme Videos:

Further Resources on this topic (both sides represented):




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👯 | FOR SALEM JULY →  Hope Pregnancy Clinic
We are collecting diapers (size NB to 6), wipes and baby board books at our gatherings in July. You can also shop direct via their wishlists. Find out more about Hope Pregnancy Clinic here:
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🍦 |  FOR SALEM in AUGUST → Ice Cream FOR Everyone
Meet at Wes Bennett Park in South Salem on Sunday, August 21st to hand out free ice cream in the afternoon. Why? Because God loves them, and loves to give gifts. More details forthcoming, but mark your calendar.

Upcoming Dates: July 24th and August 14th + 28th


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