Crosscreek Community Church
Crosscreek Community Church
Invite Them [How To Love Your Neighbor: Part 5]

Inviting our neighbors to discover, enjoy, and share the life Jesus offers is central to loving our neighbors… and it’s not as hard as it sounds.
Find out more below.


Welcome to Crosscreek Community Church’s Podcast channel! Located in the Pacific Northwest, Crosscreek Community Church offers a welcoming online church community for those on a journey to discover their meaning in life, explore their doubts, ask questions, and discover more about God, Jesus, Christianity, the Bible, and more.


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Main Ideas:

Often Jesus is someone we try to follow but rarely talk about.
Loving our neighbor means inviting them to enjoy the true source of love… Jesus
If you’ve experienced life with Jesus you can invite others to the life Jesus offers.
We should invite our neighbors to enjoy life with us before we invite them to enjoy God with us.
A perfect relationship of enjoying God is a FREE GIFT.
SIN separates us from God, each other, and ourselves.
GOD wants to destroy evil but not destroy the evil-doers… his children.
JESUS died and rose again to free us from the power of sin and death and give us new life now and forever.
We receive the life Jesus offers by choosing to TRUST he is who he said he is and can do what he said he can do.
We CAN invite our neighbors to Discover, Enjoy and Share the life Jesus offers… together.

Practice explaining what WE believe.
Write down why YOU believe.
Pray for opportunities to invite your neighbor…
…Into your life
…Into your church community.
…Into the new life Jesus offers.

Discussion Questions:

  1. If you are a Jesus-Follower, why do you follow him and what do you enjoy about him? If you don’t consider yourself a Jesus Follower, how do you think following him would impact your life?
  2. What would it look like for you to “worship Jesus as Lord of your life,” as Peter said?
  3. Read 2 Corinthians 5 vv17-21. Who in your life might God be pursuing, and how can you be part of their journey to discover Jesus?
  4. How can you prepare yourself to explain the hope you have as a follower of Jesus?
  5. How can your group pray with you this week?



4:30pm on Sundays.

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