Together #forSalem
Together #forSalem
How can I stop worrying? [A Life That *Actually* Works - Sermon on the Mount, pt 4 / 6]

Life is hard and there are so many things waiting to make it even worse. So many things we can be worried about. But, Jesus showed us that even in the middle of real life we can have peace and contentment. It’s actually closer and simpler than you might think. 

Discussion Questions:

  1. On a scale of “Extreme Worry-Wart” to “Complete Zen Master” how much do you tend to worry? What are some of your typical worries?
  2. What are some strategies you use to deal with these worries? Are there any unhelpful strategies?
  3. Read Matthew 6 v33. How would you describe what Jesus is talking about here? What would this look like for your day-to-day life?
  4. Read Philippians 4 vv6-7. What stands out to you? How can you practice that over the next week?
  5. How can your group pray for you?

Main Points:

[00:35] Worry comes from knowing we can’t control our future.
[01:15] When we look at the world right now… worry is a reasonable response.
[02:34] What we rely on to overcome worry will either give life or steal it.
[03:28] Treasure: “What we rely on to give us the life we want.”
[05:45] Relying on unreliable treasure only creates more worry.
[07:05]The direction of our treasure reveals the direction of our hearts.
[09:10] We either rely on our treasure or on God.
[11:45] In the Kingdom of Heaven, we don’t have to worry about anything because God sees us, knows us, and loves us.
[13:24] Faith is a daily and practical reliance on the love, care, and power of God.
[16:33] Our worry reveals our reliance.
[19:12] When we choose to rely on the love, care, and power of God… there’s nothing left to worry about.

Weekly Challenge [17:35] 
ASK: What are my top 3 worries?
What do I usually rely on to control the outcome of those worries?
READ: Philippians 4 vv6-7 once a day this week.
PRAY thankfully.




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