Together #forSalem
Together #forSalem
How can I enjoy God? [Who am I? pt 3 / 4]

The idea that God is our “Father” can bring a huge mix of emotions, thoughts, and reactions. Often, trying to understand our relationship with God can be overwhelmingly complex. But Jesus came to redefine our view of God. He showed a better and simpler way to experience who God is.

Episode Breakdown:
00:48 Father: a complicated relationship?
02:30 Jesus redefines our view of God
03:38 The problem of religion
06:05 Freedom from religion’s fear
08:55 Healing that relationship
11:15 Talking to Dad
13:17 How it works, kinda
15:00 Good news, Bad-ish news
17:40 A tough Q for you
19:00 An invitation too
21:30 Discussion Qs and News

Main Points:
– The exclusivity of Jesus’ invitation creates a tension that can be difficult to resolve.
– Jesus’ invitation solves the tensions of our anger, apathy, fear, and pride.
– Obedience does not MAKE someone a child of God… it is the result of already being one.
– Obedience is accepting to make Jesus’s priorities your priorities because you love and trust him.
– Obedience is the privilege of a child of God.
– Jesus’ command to love is the simplest and most powerful command in the world.
– The invitation to become a child of God is an invitation to accept the life we are all looking for.
– Being a child of God is being who we were always meant to be.

Weekly Challenge:
– Accept the invitation to be a Child of God
– Accept the invitation to live as a Child of God
– Read: 1 Peter 2 vv9-10
– Pray: God, show me how to show your goodness today.

Discussion Questions:
1. As we finish this series, how would you describe what it means to be a “Child of God?”
2. Jesus said, “If you love me you will keep my commandments.” What is your initial reaction to this? How would you explain the relationship between loving Jesus and obeying Jesus?
3. Read 1 Peter 2 vv9-10. Is there a thought or a word in this passage that grabs your attention? How would you relate this passage to your description in Question #1?
4. Are there any thoughts, questions, ideas that you still have about this idea of being children of God?
5. How can your group pray for you?




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4:30pm on Sundays


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