Together #forSalem
Together #forSalem
Should Christians obey the government? [Think About It, pt 3 / 5]

Should Christians obey the government? Taken on their own, some biblical passages say “yes” while others imply “no”… but do these passages actually contradict each other? Often, when it seems like we have a contradiction in the biblical writings a little study can reveal something even better than what we think either passage is saying.

Main Points:
– So much conflict and confusion comes from pitting one bible verse against another.
– Seeing the big picture of the biblical writings helps us navigate our big questions.
– Due to their literary diversity, the biblical writings often give us big ideas from many different angles.
– Jesus Followers are representatives of Jesus to the rest of the world.
– A Jesus Follower’s peaceful submission to human authority honors Jesus’ universal authority.
– As citizens of the Kingdom of God, the Jesus Follower’s priority is to represent their true King and invite others into his kingdom.
– When a Jesus Follower is dealing with a human authority figure, the question is:
What will best display Jesus and his Kingdom?
– When read in context, the biblical writings can guide us to bring the Kingdom of God to our context now.

Weekly Challenge:
Ask: Which kingdom is my priority?
Read: 1 Peter this week (with tools?)
Pray: Jesus, Show me how to have your Kingdom of God as my priority.

Discussion Questions
1. What stood out, bothered, challenged you from this week’s episode?
2. Have you ever been “stuck” between bible verses or biblical ideas that seem to contradict? If so, how did/do you navigate finding a solution?
3. When you hear the phrase “The Kingdom of God,” what comes to mind?How would you explain this idea to someone who has never heard it?
4. Read 1 Peter 2:9-12. In our current context, how do you think we can live out being citizens of God’s Kingdom AND submission to our authorities?
5. How can your group pray for you this week?

Episode Resources:
Dictionary/Encyclopedia: and
Genre/Narrative/Theme Videos:
The Christian & Civil Disobedience:




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👯 | FOR SALEM JULY →  Hope Pregnancy Clinic
We are collecting diapers (size NB to 6), wipes and baby board books at our gatherings in July. You can also shop direct via their wishlists. Find out more about Hope Pregnancy Clinic here:
Amazon wishlist:
Target wishlist:

🍦 |  FOR SALEM in AUGUST → Ice Cream FOR Everyone
Meet at Wes Bennett Park in South Salem on Sunday, August 21st to hand out free ice cream in the afternoon. Why? Because God loves them, and loves to give gifts. More details forthcoming, but mark your calendar.

Upcoming Dates: July 24th and August 14th + 28th


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